Ajay mailed me a video, an interesting one at that. This is a "How To" guide or "self-help video" to become a successful cult leader.
This refreshed my memories, when on insistence of Shivi, I joined Isha Yoga's spirituality program called Inner Engineering. The difference between me and other participants was that I went there with an "examining mind" and others with "submissive minds." Whatever was being said, shown, taught, their behavior, the ambiance, all was being scrutinized by this tiny brain. There was enormous effort by the yoga teachers (or cult preachers) to make it as logical and appealing as possible. But all this did not fit in frames of my logic and reasoning. Can't help it! This is the problem with people who suffer with OCD of rationality and logic. They just cannot take anything on its face value, just cannot believe in anything.
However, at that time, there was no negative evidence in my possession and there was no reason to disbelief what was told. I was open to all possibilities. I was practicing the Shambhavi Mahamudra , the yoga taught, religiously without fail. Though there was no "positive change" or "feel good feeling" inside me as experienced by other participants. If you believe in something, your body and mind will create experiences which would fall in accordance with your belief. For example, if you think the medications will cure you, there is a fair chance that you will be cured even if you are given sugar pills and not real medications. This is called "placebo" effect. Similarly, if you practice some yoga believing you will have some strange experience, quite likely you will have "that" experience. Mind is smart!
Meanwhile, I laid my hand on a book called "Inner Journey" by Osho. Though I just skimmed through it, it was enough to prove that all the teachings and preachings of the program "Inner Engineering" came from the book "Inner Journey." Some days past, Jaggi Vasudev visited Bangalore and was welcomed by a houseful auditorium. This was discourse and Q&A session. A question caused quite a bit of discomfort to Mr Vasudev. It was "what do you think of Osho?" He answered "there is no point in discussing about a person who could not be present to justify what is being told about him." It was clearly a diplomatic denial of answer. It is called plagiarism in my language and those who fail to acknowledge others contribution in their thoughts deserve no respect, they are fraud.
Meanwhile, I laid my hand on a book called "Inner Journey" by Osho. Though I just skimmed through it, it was enough to prove that all the teachings and preachings of the program "Inner Engineering" came from the book "Inner Journey." Some days past, Jaggi Vasudev visited Bangalore and was welcomed by a houseful auditorium. This was discourse and Q&A session. A question caused quite a bit of discomfort to Mr Vasudev. It was "what do you think of Osho?" He answered "there is no point in discussing about a person who could not be present to justify what is being told about him." It was clearly a diplomatic denial of answer. It is called plagiarism in my language and those who fail to acknowledge others contribution in their thoughts deserve no respect, they are fraud.
These were enough for me to form an opinion about Isha Yoga and its founder. Meanwhile, I googled about cult and came across a marvelous book called "Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan who himself was part of a cult before being rehabilitated. There was description of typical traits of a cult and I could exactly match them with those of Isha Yoga. If you analyze any of the fast-mushrooming cults throughout the landscape, you would find the same superstructure. Same tactics to deceive. Same ways of exploitation. The above video summarizes all of them pretty well.
Cults feed and grow well in a democratic environment because the authorities fear losing public support as these cults are considered spiritual and religious, that is until the truth is revealed. Politicians and corporates both can be seen paying visits to the "keepers of the spirituality." In democracy, sun revolves around the earth until moronic majority believes otherwise. And when the power rests in the majority's tantrums, which authority would like to play with venomous cults?
Related Readings:
Cults feed and grow well in a democratic environment because the authorities fear losing public support as these cults are considered spiritual and religious, that is until the truth is revealed. Politicians and corporates both can be seen paying visits to the "keepers of the spirituality." In democracy, sun revolves around the earth until moronic majority believes otherwise. And when the power rests in the majority's tantrums, which authority would like to play with venomous cults?
Related Readings:
- Harmanjit Singh's blog offers a lot of insight into religion, cults, et all, including Jaggi Vasudev - http://harmanjit.blogspot.com
- Colonel Zaysen has done an excellent in depth analysis of Isha Foundation's activities and Jaggi Vasudev's claims - http://zaysen.blogspot.com/2011/04/sadhguru-jaggi-vasudev-his.html